Today is Friday! Everybody, well almost everybody, loves Friday! I'm fine with Fridays, I worked at contact center in a BPO industry for 8 years, as such we have different schedules, so I don't really look forward Fridays anymore, But still... Fridays are good now that I am currently unemployed (I quit since I don't want to be in a group that'll I regret).
I went to the airport earlier just to get some stuff from my brother, so it was a roughly around 23km back and forth, it took me around more than 2 hours to go back and forth. Looking at it, it was not that bad. Annoyingly enough, people just don't follow traffic lights. I don't even think that those traffic lights are well coordinated. Also, there are unnecessary traffic lights in unusual places. I think in less than a kilometer road, there is roughly 4 or 5 traffic lights, and you wonder why there is traffic. Of course other than the fact that public transportations are as undisciplined as ever. So it made me thinking, even if we have a president that has good intentions, no corruption, and aims to progress the country... would it made a difference?
I remember my taxi to the airport from Singapore 2 days ago, I was talking to the taxi cab driver. We were talking a bit about Singapore as one of the country that really made a dramatic change in 40 years. From a not known country, to a now well known country. He indicated that people in their government are young ones, full of ideas and new one I might add. It struck me that the Philippines governing bodies are all "elite" or "experienced" or whatever you may call them, I call them oldies. If not "elite" people, they are sons or daughters from this elite group of people. No new people, means no new ideas. No new ideas, means the same direction that the country is going for the past years.
Philippines used to be one of the country that Singapore admired 40 years ago, but now it's the other way around. Even if we have the Lee Kwan Yew of the 40 years ago as the now president, with the current government officials, I don't think it will work. We do have a democratic country, but with democracy there should also be responsibility. I don't think the people are ready for that responsibility yet...
Anyway, I'm still glad it is a Friday. I have a long day tomorrow... I have plans, I just hope it will result to something that I am hoping for. Happy Friday everyone!
Random Word of the Day: Mic
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